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60 products

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The Art and Science of Vedic Counseling by David Frawley
Ayurvedic Tongue Diagnosis by Walter 'Shantree' Kacera
Easy Healing Drinks from the Wisdom of Ayurveda by Amedea Morningstar
Greatness of Saturn by Robert E Svoboda
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Ayurveda for Women by Robert E Svoboda
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Agnihotra - Havan on Earth by Ellie Hadsall
Essentials of Medical Astrology by Dr. KS Charak
Mantra Yoga and Primal Sound by David Frawley
Seven Systems of Indian Philosophy by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D.
Light on Life by Hart De Fouw and Robert E Svoboda
Ayurveda and the Mind by David Frawley
Aghora I: At the Left Hand of God by Robert E Svoboda
Ayurveda: Life, Health and Longevity by Robert E Svoboda
Prakriti:  Your Ayurvedic Constitution by Robert E Svoboda
The Nakshatras by Dennis M. Harness, PhD
Ayurveda and Marma Therapy by David Frawley
Ayurvedic Herbs by Virender Sodhi
Planetary Herbology by Michael Tierra
The Herbal Medicine-Makers Handbook by James Green
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Ayurvedic Healing by David Frawley
Light on Relationships by Hart De Fouw and Robert E Svoboda
Yoga and Ayurveda: Self-Healing & Self-Realization by David Frawley
Ocean of Yoga by Julie Dunlop
Soma in Yoga and Ayurveda by David Frawley