Himalayan Institute Chyawanprash (1.1 pound(HI))

Sale price$22.00

Promotes Rejuvenation and Proper Function of the Immune System*

Can use as:

  1. Straight from the Jar: The classic way is to enjoy a spoonful directly from the jar. This method allows you to savor its rich, jam-like texture and herbal taste. A typical serving size is 1 teaspoon.

  2. With Warm Milk: Stir a spoonful into a cup of warm milk. This not only makes it easier to consume but also enhances its nourishing properties. This is a great option before bedtime or in the morning.

  3. On Toast or Crackers: Spread a thin layer on toast, crackers, or even a slice of whole-grain bread. This adds a sweet and tangy twist to your breakfast or snack.

  4. In Smoothies: Blend a teaspoon into your morning smoothie for a nutritional boost. It pairs well with fruits like bananas, berries, and apples.

Ingredients: Amla fruit, Sugarcane, Ghee (Clarified butter), Honey, Indian Sesame oil, Long Pepper fruit, Potassium Sorbate, Mysore Cardamon seed, Spanish Pellitory root, Mesua flower, Indian Kudzu root, Sandalwood, Malabar Nut tree leaf, Arjuna bark, Ashwagandha root, Shatavari root, Bacopa leaf, Holy Basil Leaf, Chebulic Myrobalan fruit, European Grape Fruit, Ginger rhizome, Licorice root, Sacred Lotus flower, Jatamansi root, Neem leaf, Tribulus fruit, Bael tree fruit, Indian Tinospora stem, Phyllanthus herb, Zedoary rhizome, Cyperus rhizome, Indian Elecampane root, Himalayan Pistachio fruit, Leptadenia leaves, Boerhavia root, Fig, True Cinnamon, Clove bud, Indian Cassia leaves, Saffron stigma