Hingvastak powder

Sale price$3.25

1 oz increments. Herbs ordered by the oz in bulk are packaged as one package.

Herbs that are encapsulated, are made to order at time of purchase. 100 Capsules. At least 24 hour lead time, due to manual encapsulation. Size 0 capsules

Ingredients: Cumin seed (Cuminum cyminum)+, Ajamoda seed (Apium graveolens)+, Black Cumin seed (Nigella sativa)+, Black Pepper fruit (Piper nigrum)+, Ginger root (Zingiber officinale)+, Pippali fruit (Piper longum)+, Mineral Salt, Fenugreek (Triognella foenum-graecum)+, Asafoetida (Ferula asafoetida).+Organic

Ayurvedic Energetics:

  • Rasa (taste): pungent, salty

  • Virya (action): heating

  • Vipaka (post-digestive effect): pungent

  • Doshas (constitutions): balancing for vata and kapha, may aggravate pitta

For: Powder-1 oz